
O Blog "Canetas e Agulhas" mudou para:

quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2022

Mensagem do dia...


com a fé renovada e a certeza que tudo vai mudar para melhor, estarei preparado para receber o milagre da cura reservado para esta sagrada noite e dia. 

Com certeza que as boas energia do universo estarão presente fornecendo forças extras trazendo boas notícias e agradáveis surpresas.

Loidy Oliveira

2 comentários:

Paula Saraiva disse...

Assim seja...
Que tudo mude para melhor...

Beijinhos e uma boa noite

Jennifer Davison disse...

I can't believe that this man is so real, how can I thank you enough, I can't fail to testify about the good things you have been doing for me and now you still went ahead and do same for my friend, please everyone if you have anything disturbing you please your solution is hear with Dr.osupalagba the great spiritualist who can solve any problem in a twinkle of an eye. No matter the problems, whether spiritual problem, you want to get your ex back, promotion in your workplace, spiritual cleansing, fruit of the womb, mental illnesses, protection for gun, protection for cutlass, protection for bottle, protection for snake and scorpion bites and cure. Are you a victim of any of the above listed setbacks, you can contact Dr.osupalagbavia Email:

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Praia de Ponta-Negra, Natal - RN

Praia de Ponta-Negra, Natal - RN